Legends Cup 2013 at The Highmark

By @SAdyson

Completely unrelated to the Riverhounds, but who cares?

This is definitely one of the stranger bits of news to come out regarding Highmark Stadium. The official Highmark Stadium website just announced that the 2013 Legends Cup will be held in Pittsburgh at the Highmark on September 1, 2013.

What is the Legends Cup, you ask?

A quick Wikipedia/Google search revealed some rather interested information.

The “Legends Cup” is the championship game for the LFL, or the Legends Football League. When one first reads “Legends Football League,” the first images that come to mind are Jack Lambert tomb-stoning Bart Starr and Rod Woodson duing a hurricanrana on Barry Sanders.

But no. Oh no. This is something else.

In 2010, the “Lingerie Football League” re-branded itself as the “Legends Football League,” or LFL. It’s 7-on-7 tackle football with female players that wear…pretty much nothing.


Apparently, this league has expanded to include teams from Canada–and even Australia.

Welp. Guess what! Pittsburgh is getting its own team in 2014!

Wonder how this expansion team would fair against the Pittsburgh Passion?

Tickets go on sale May 1.

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