#UNLEASH the Links 7/16/2014

#UNLEASH the Links 7/16/2014

  • Orlando City came down hard on their supporters groups after the Tampa Bay incident. From what I’ve seen their SG’s got away with a lot and went unchecked for too long due to being pretty isolated in the giant Citrus Bowl. This season has been a big wake up call to them. Word on the street is a bunch of them were thrown out of their last home game (after the above sanctions).
  • Steve Fenn over at Stat Hunting has the playoff odds for the various US based leagues including the USL. Unsurprisingly it’s not looking good for the Hounds.
  • The Portland Timbers are leaning towards starting a Timbers II next season.
  • There’s been some crazy fantasy talk about former USL stand out Dom Dwyer playing for the USMNT.
  • While not specifically about the USL, last week the NASL made a number of announcements regarding expansion and establishing a Canadian league. NASL expansion will be interesting to follow as it could impact USL expansion and potential MLS run USL teams in Canada.
  • Speaking of NASL in a conference call they said OKCFC is still on track for 2015. While the Energy have been up and down on the field they are drawing good crowds and having success off the field. Plus they’ll be moving into a bigger, nicer stadium next year. We’ll see if the general public cares enough about NASL vs USL to make any sort of difference for either team.