A Rough Road Leads To The Stars

This season has been a rough road. A lot of things happened that no one would have wanted or could have imagined. These problems are numerous, and have been on-field and off. That has lead to a less-than-satisfying season. This season has been a rough road.

What has happened is in the past. It can’t be changed, but it shouldn’t be forgotten. To ignore what happened this year would be an invitation to repeat its misery. No one wants that.

This has been a year of growth and learning, both for the Steel Army and the Pittsburgh Riverhounds.

We use today as our pledge to improve, to bring a stronger and better supporters’ group into 2015.

We also, today, ask that Pittsburgh Riverhounds ownership and management pledge to improve. Replace the social media blister with tangible improvements and focus on making the decisions that are necessary to move this club forward. Put the right people in the position to be decision makers and then let those people make decisions. Make hires that are correct for the professional team. Put people in a position to succeed. We don’t expect or demand a huge player payroll. We expect a team that wants to be here and wants to succeed. Today’s selection of our Player of the Year is a great example. He didn’t come into the club with fanfare or hype. No color ads in the paper and no press conference to announce his arrival. However, when the team was at it’s lowest point, his voice was the one rising up above the more posh members of the club. When it was time for someone to show they gave a damn, he did. Players like that will lead this team forward better than any mercenary player.


We’re willing to make the hard decisions to improve for next year. We ask the club to do the same.

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A Rough Road Leads to the Stars